Waiting for Him by HelenKay Dimon

Nov 3, 2019 · · isbn:

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Waiting for Him

(Australia edition — view American edition)
Book 1 of the Close Quarters Series




Six years. That’s how long Jonah Sparks’ crush on Cameron Meade, the reclusive professor who is everyone’s favorite, has lasted. They circled each other while Jonah was in graduate school. Flirting, testing, teasing. Coming so close…but not quite there. But the attraction sparking between refused to fade with time and distance, and now Jonah is back at the university and determined to break through Cam’s defenses.

Cam struggles with personal relationships. Jonah has a wealth of patience, but even he has limits. He’s hoping the combination of a secluded cabin and an approaching holiday might be what they need to finally move from hot and interested to can’t live without each other.