News Type: Darby

The Replacement Wife Ebook Sale!

September 13, 2022

Update: This sale has ended — but be sure and sign up for News so you don’t miss a thing!

Another sale for Darby Kane! International bestseller The Replacement Wife is on sale for $1.99! That is a huge discount. Buy this thriller about a woman who investigates all the missing women in her brother-in-law’s life before the sale ends.

And don’t forget Darby’s first thriller, Pretty Little Wife, is also on sale for $2.99. Grab both for under $5.

Cover Reveal! The Last Invitation

April 5, 2022

They meet the second Tuesday of every month and vote…and then someone dies.

Are you ready for the next Darby Kane (AKA HelenKay Dimon) psychological thriller? The Last Invitation is due out on Dec. 6 and it’s available for pre-order now in print (paperback and hardcover), ebook, and audiobook so you can start enjoying as soon as possible.

Meet Jessa and Gabby, members of the Sophie Foundation—a secret club of women who meet over wine and cheese to review files of men who behave very, very badly…

Can’t wait for more? Stay tuned for an exclusive excerpt, and if you are new to Darby Kane, explore all her books.

Now Available: Pretty Little Wife by Darby Kane (AKA HelenKay Dimon)

December 29, 2020

It’s here! Pretty Little Wife the twisty thriller of domestic suspense you’ve been hearing about for months is finally in reader hands. In a STARRED REVIEW, Booklist called it “A page-turner built on skillfully layered plotting and an intriguing protagonist.”

But who is Darby Kane? Darby is HelenKay! But while you can count on romance with a happy ending from HelenKay Dimon, a Darby Kane book is a very different kind of book, hence the different name. Pretty Little Wife is much darker, and romance is not the main theme. This is a thriller, through and through. It starts with a wife, unraveling secrets, and a dead husband. The end is not guaranteed, and getting there is a fast-paced ride.

HelenKay is totally thrilled her thriller is out! Find her on Twitter celebrating the release. And check out Pretty Little Wife for the answer to the question: Shouldn’t a dead husband stay dead? Read an excerpt then buy yours in print, ebook, or audio.

Introducing Darby Kane and Pretty Little Wife!

July 17, 2020

But wait, who is Darby Kane? We’re so glad you asked, because Darby is HelenKay! Some things haven’t changed. HelenKay Dimon books deliver romance with a happy ending in three romance subgenres: Romantic Suspense, Erotic Romance, and Contemporary Romance. No matter what happens in a HelenKay Dimon book, you are guaranteed a ride that will end with people building a life together and working toward a Happily Ever After.

A Darby Kane book is a very different kind of book. No promise of happy endings or romance. These are twisty thrillers and domestic suspense, and HelenKay is so excited to announce Darby’s debut! Her first book, Pretty Little Wife, will release on Feb 16, 2021 in print, ebook, and audio.

A wife, unraveling secrets and a dead husband…and that’s just the beginning. Check out Pretty Little Wife for the answer to the question: Shouldn’t a dead husband stay dead? Read an excerpt then pre-order yours!

The Secret She Keeps is Out

December 30, 2019

“Memories of her former life smashed into her, stealing her breath.”

The Secret She Keeps, book 2 in the Whitaker Island series, is NOW AVAILABLE in all ways to read: digital, print, and audio — pick your favorite! Meet Maddie and Connor in chapters 1, 2 & 3 (yes, the THIRD chapter was just added!)

Read the reviews, then: The Secret She Keeps, just for YOU! ORDER YOUR COPY!!!

BONUS CONTENT! Want to know more about Maddie? She was in the shadows in the previous book, Her Other Secret (but you don’t have to read them in order). Check out HelenKay’s Author Note for The Secret She Keeps where HelenKay reveals the motivation behind writing Maddie’s character.

Want more mysterious heroes or small-town stories? HelenKay has many more to choose from. Enjoy!

A NOTE FROM HELENKAY: Concurrent to my big Whitaker Island book release, which I am so excited about, there is an unfolding situation with RWA, an organization in which I am very involved. As I’d like to keep this site all about my books, I am choosing not to address what is going on with RWA and my role within it here, but rather keep it on twitter, where I am active in the ongoing discussion. Thank you, and happy reading ~HK