The Moorewood Family is Here!
April 25, 2023
Let the hijinks begin! HelenKay is thrilled to announce that her newest novel, Moorewood Family Rules, is NOW AVAILABLE in print (trade paperback and hardcover), digital and audio.
This hilariously twisty story about a messy, dysfunctional family has been called “Knives Out and Oceans 8 meets The Nest,” and you can start with chapters 1 and 2 over on HelenKay’s website. She also has all ordering options, including international, so you can keep reading right away.
Hot news: Moorewood Family Rules has just been optioned as a tv series! More information to come as this exciting news develops.
Come say hi! HelenKay (and her alter ego Darby Kane) will be in New York for Thrillerfest next month and at the Las Vegas Book Festival in October. See all the details and find new events as they are added on her events page.